
Going Nuts for Success- How we Reduced Barukas’ CPA from $40 to $13 

Retail & FMCG
Brand & Strategy
Integrated Marketing
Design & Studio


In the dynamic marketing landscape, even the mightiest brands can find themselves in a pickle. In 2023, Barukas, a U.S.-based company that sells fine Baruka nuts from the Cerrado, faced a crunch. Backed by celebrity wellness expert Darin Olien, Barukas achieved peak sales in the American market in 2021. However, as the market transitioned into a post-COVID economy, the D2C e-commerce market saw a lot of changes in the space due to the consistent evolution of the digital landscape. Owing to this, the brand saw a decline in their sales, and approached us.


When Knowledge Units took over their digital marketing, we were faced with the challenge of reviving their digital presence, stabilizing their sales, and strategising to make the sales graph go nuts on an upward trajectory!


- At Knowledge Units we seldom take on a new endeavour without a thorough audit and Barukas was no exception to our norm. Our analysis revealed a significant decline across Shopify, Meta Ads, and social media.

- Shopify witnessed a steep decline across all major KPIs, while the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) for ads was at a staggering $40.

- Barukas social media had hit dormancy resulting in a disengaged target audience and a decline in all major metrics.


SHOPIFY KPIs (June to October)

- Total Sales- 46% Decline

- Average Order Value- 10%

- Decline Online Store Conversion Rate- 9% Reduction

- Total Orders- 42% Decline


The data indicated that in addition to concentrating on running paid advertisements and content with a sales pitch, there was an urgent need to shift communication towards community and brand building to grow the existing customer base.


- To re-establish their brand and spread the word about their products and special deals, we first used Barukas' social media presence. The communication on Facebook and Instagram emphasised the product's unique selling points and health advantages in a brief yet captivating manner.  

- Our original brand recognition campaign was phased out once the desired awareness and engagement was achieved. We then switched to content marketing reels with recipes and information about how Barukas may be included in daily routines and diets.  

- Fitness and health-conscious customers responded favourably to UGC content and influencer marketing videos, increasing engagement and brand recognition.


- Reducing the Cost Per Acquisition, which was a staggering forty dollars, was one of our main objectives. The results of our audit showed that the ad content's low Click-Through Rate (CTR) was increasing the cost of conversions.

- We increased the CTR of the ads and got users to spend more time interacting with the ad communication by simplifying the creatives to a minimal design and incorporating user generated content for more engaging content.


- As part of our sustenance strategy, we aimed at regularly auditing, strategising, executing and revising Barukas’ digital marketing plan to cater to the dynamic market landscape.  

- A key strategy that we deployed to achieve customer-base growth was lead- generation ads with a focus on Barukas’ subscription option.


CPA witnessed an optimisation from $40 to $13


- In conclusion, the nutty journey of reviving Barukas' digital presence stands as a testament to the power of strategic digital marketing. By meticulously auditing their existing platforms, reimagining their media distribution strategy, and optimising outbound efforts, we were able to achieve a remarkable turnaround with improvements across key performance indicators on Shopify, social media platforms, and Meta Ads.  

- As we continue to iterate and refine our strategies, this case study serves as a beacon of success, showcasing how adaptability, creativity, and data-driven insights can transform challenges into triumphs.